Rund ums Präsentation-Training
- Präsentationstraining
- Präsentationstraining Nutzen
- Präsentationstraining Generelles
- Präsentationstraining Trainingsinhalte
- Präsentations - Coaching
- Präsentationsfolienregeln
- Präsentationstraining auf Englisch
Präsentation verwandte Training im Bereich Management
Präsentation verwandte Training im Bereich Verkauf
Analyse-und Evaluationshilfen
Presentation training / Presentation-Coaching
Present convincingly - Reach goals
We present ourselves and our company consistently, whether in front of groups or individuals. Studies have shown that the form of a presentation is several times more important than the content. The aim of this training is to question and improve your own behaviour in a positive and constructive group environment.
At the same time, you will become more secure in your presentation skills and reaction to objections and will learn how to deal with them correctly through practical guidelines. The training provides the impetus for you to present your ideas and products confidently and effectively and to grab your listener's attention right from the beginning so that you can reach your goals and get to the main part of your message effectively.
If you can present convincingly, you are sure to be a winner!
Benefits of presentation training
. Present securely and confidently in front of an audience
. Use tools such as PowerPoint, projectors, etc. in a targeted and efficient way
. Your message will motivate the listeners to think and negotiate
. A confident appearance even when there are objections from the audience
. Secure your message with your listeners through clearly structured presentations
. Gain positive and convincing charisma and motivate your listeners
. Present complex information clearly and simply
. Increase the effect of your presentation through facial expression, body language and voice
Main process presentation training modules
. Preparation techniques and creation of a structured presentation
. 12 rules for a successful presentation
. Grabbing your listener's attention and creating interest
. Presentation and speaking techniques
. Convincing arguments and effective communication of your message
. Body language and facial expressions, non-verbal communication
. Dealing with objections and disruptions during and after presentations
. Tips and tricks for using projectors, PowerPoint, OHP, etc.
. Turning nerves into positive energy
. Using media and visuals
. Talking to target groups effectively
. Attention to detail, as it always has an effect
. Passion as a requirement for an absorbing presentation
. Dealing with technical issues and nerves
. Skilfully ending a presentation
Methods used during the presentation training
. Put theoretical knowledge into practice with a mock presentation
. Create and use different checklists
. Video analysis for motivation and monitoring progress (on request)
Receive futher information concerning our presentationtraining
Following links in German language:
1. Präsentationstraining - unsere Unterlagen
2. Präsentationstraining - auf Sie massgeschneidert
3. Präsentationstraining - wie wirken ich intern nach oben
4. Präsentationstraining - Folienregeln Don'ts
5. Präsentationstraining - same Page in German language
Firmeninternes Präsentationstraining oder Individuelle Präsentations-Coaching
Wir bieten Präsentationstrainings an, wo auch immer Sie sind. In den schweizerischen Gross-Städten
z.B.: Präsentationstraining Zürich | Präsentationstraining Bern | Präsentationstraining Bern
Präsentationstraining Basel | Präsentationstraining Luzern | Wo auch immer Ihre Wünsche zählen.
Natürlich führen wir auch firmeninterne Präsentationstraining und Präsentations-Coachings durch.
Wir freuen uns von Ihnen zu hören.
Hier einige Folienregeln (wie keine Folie gestaltet sein sollte), welche wir unter anderem im Präsentationstraining besprechen werden: